What do I do if my student will be absent today?
Email [email protected]
Phone: 603-845-1552 (choose option #1 to report your child’s absence)
Please include: Child’s first & last name, Grade, Teacher, and reason for absence
**Please do not reach out directly to your child’s teacher in place of the attendance line.
What do I need to do If I am picking up my child early from school?
Enter Early Dismissal into Pick-Up Patrol no later than 2:00pm
Be sure to go under plan changes and choose early dismissal and choose dismissal time.
No dismissal from the main office after, 2:30 pm
I have a new phone number; where do I change this?
Please call the main office, and a staff member can help you.
If my student is going to be tardy today, what is the process when I get to GBS?
Email [email protected]
Phone: 603-845-1552 (choose option #1 to report your child’s absence)
Please include: Child’s first & last name, Grade, Teacher and reason for tardiness
**Please do not reach out directly to your child’s teacher in place of attendance line.
Upon arrival, ring doorbell, enter the vestibular, fill out an orange form and your child will enter through the office door where an office staff member will meet them.
What time does school start?
What time does school end?
What time should I come for car dismissal?
Car dismissal begins at 2:55pm
My Students end of day plans have changed, what do I do?
Log into Pick-Up Patrol, click “Plan Changes” and enter new plan no later than 2:00pm
I have something to drop off for my student, what should I do?
Ring the main door bell, come into the vestibule and place a green label on the items and include your child’s name and teacher’s name (green tags, pens and tape are located in the lobby for your convenience).
What is the latest time I can pick up my student at the end of the day?